- When migrating the content from BO Enterprise XI3.1 system to BI Platform 4.0 system using upgrade management tool (UMT) command-line, the following issue is seen:
- When using the following parameter during the migration of QaaWs objects:
-configparam:Enter_WebServices_URL=http://servername:port/dswsbobje - UMT command line returns an error indicating that this is not a valid parameter:
The prompt "enter_webservices_url=http://servername:port/dswsbobje" is invalid. Please refer to the documentation for a list of acceptable prompts. (UMT 20214)
- SAP BI Platform 4.x (4.1, 4.2)
- SAP BOE 3.1
- UMT command line
SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform 4.0
BI4 UMT upgrade management tool command line configparam Enter_WebServices_URL Error 20214 , KBA , BI-BIP-UMT , Upgrade management tool , Problem
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