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1642418 - GRC 5.3 - Org level reports are not running successfully


The org rule risk analysis failed with the below error messages.

WARNING: Foreground : Failed to run Risk Analysis The SQL statement "SELECT o.orgruleid, o.prmrisk, o.orglevel, o.fromval, o.toval, o.searchtype, ot.descn, m.porgruleid, m.porglevel FROM virsa_cc_orgrule o INNER JOIN virsa_cc_orgrulem m ON m.orgruleid = o.orgruleid LEFT OUTER JOIN virsa_cc_orgrulet ot ON ot.orgruleid = o.orgruleid AND ot.lang = 'EN'WHERE  ( o.orgruleid LIKE '%'  ) AND o.orglevel IN() AND  o.status = 0  ORDER BY porglevel , porgruleid,orgruleid,prmrisk,orglevel" contains the syntax error[s]: - 1:334 - SQL syntax error: the token ")" was not expected here



SAP GRC Access Control 5.3


ARA, RAR, Org level analysis, risk analysis, org user mapping, VIRCC, syntax error,, VIRSA_CC_ORGUSERS , KBA , troubleshooting , GRC-SAC-ARA , Access Risk Analysis , How To

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