It is required to install a cluster solution (high-availability) on your landscape. It is necessary to know which solution(s) are supported by SAP.
- SAP Release independent
cluster solutions, MSCS, cluster, clustering, supported, support, high availability, high-availability, HA, sapinst. SWPM, Netweaver, configuration, server, failover, microsoft , KBA , BC-INS , Installation Tools (SAP Note 1669327) , BC-INS-MIG , OS/DB Migrations with SWPM and DB refresh , BC-INS-NT , SAP Netweaver based Solutions on Windows , BC-INS-DSS , Dual-Stack Split Tool , BC-INS-FWK , sapinst, slcb, elmbridge, elm replication service , BC-INS-JCI , Java component inst. / jload jmigmon, jsizecheck , BC-INS-TLS , Sapcpe and Sapcar Tools , BC-OP-NT-CLU , Please use BC-OP-NT , How To
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