When you try to save or activate your Org Structure, system throws below error message:
ID XYZ (Org Unit name) not permitted; ID already in use
Reproducing the Issue
- Go to Organizational Management work center.
- Select Edit Org Structures under Common Tasks.
While saving or activating the Org Structure, system throws the above error message.
In the Planning Area of the Org Structure, you have maintained two Org structures (active and inactive) with same ID. As per the system designed, it is not possible to have same ID for more than one org unit.
you have to delete the inactive org structure which has the same ID.
- Go to Organizational management work center.
- Select Edit button.
- Select Select Org Structures button. (Where you can find two structures with same ID).
- Choose both and select Ok button.
- Now you can find the duplicate (in complete structure) and delete this structure (bottom to top approach).
Now, you can able to activate the original structure without any issues.
How to find which org unit is active?
Select the Org unit in Definitions tab, the Org unit ID field should be read-only which means it is active org unit. If the org unit ID field is editable then this org unit is not yet active.
KBA , SRD-MD-OM , Organizational Management , How To