While trying to start the Java System, it stops, and the following entry can be found in the dev_serverX log:
[Thr 10284] JLaunchCloseProgram: good bye (exitcode = -334)
This issue can also appear if a service is not starting up in the given time. std_serverX.out shows the following:
Loading [ClusterManager]... FATAL: Critical shutdown with exit code [334] was requested due to [Error getting confirmation reply during attach to cluster.]
SAP Netweaver Application Server Java
exitcode, -334, message, server, network, instability, JVM, garbage collector, gc, exit, code, NIPING, HaltTimeOut, LoadTimeout, ms.confirmation.timeout, [334] , confirmation , cluster, Error getting confirmation reply during attach to cluster , KBA , kde , BC-JAS-COR , Enterprise Runtime, Core J2EE Framework , BC-CST-MS , Message Service , Problem
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