- How to customize locale in Xcelsius?
- Xcelsius dashboard does not display the customized locale when previewed or exported to Infoview.
- Xcelsius 2008
- Dashboard Design 4.0
Reproducing the Issue
- Create Universe over BEx queries.
- Create QAAWS over this Universe.
- Launch Xcelsius and create a dashboard by adding QAAWS connection. Go to Data Manager > Add > QAAWS.
- Go to File > Export > SAP BusinessObjects Platform.
- Change the settings in Windows. Go to “Control Panel” > “Regional and Language options”.
- Select English language and customize the setting with “.” as thousand separator and “,” as decimal separator.
- Preview the dashboard or export it to Infoview (File > Export > SAP BusinessObjects Platform)
(Note:BusinessObjects Server,BW Server,Xcelsius client has the same locale).
- This behavior is by design.
- Workaround is to use Operating System's predefined locale.
Xcelsius,customized locale,formatting. , KBA , BI-RA-XL , Obsolete: BusinessObjects Dashboards and Presentation Design , How To
SAP BusinessObjects Dashboards 4.0 ; SAP BusinessObjects Xcelsius Enterprise 2008