- Windows VM running BI 4.0, Tomcat (for Mobile) and Websphere (for all other components)
- iPad2 with the "SAP BI" installed and "SBO Explorer" app installed.
- While we are able to connect using the "SBO Explorer" app but NOT able to connect using the "SAP BI" app.
- Error message: "Internal server error occurs while processing your request" or "Connection could not be established" (MOB 06031)
- SAP BI 4.0
- Any supported Windows or Linux OS
SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform 4.0 ; SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform 4.0, feature pack 3
SP2 SP4 Services NW 50000 mob06031 mobi , KBA , BI-BIP-MOB , Obsolete;use:MOB-APP-BI-BB Blackberry,MOB-APP-BI-SRV server , Problem
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