You as an HR Administrator, observed that after terminated an employee from Personnel Administration work center, his/her Business Partner remains in Active status. You would like to know, whether this causes any problem in your business processes?
Note: Similar behaviour is observed for Employees under Administrator work center in Cloud for Customer.
It is the design of internal Employees that they have no status handling as other Business Partner Projections (as Customer, Supplier, etc.). If the internal Employee is Active or not is realized via the validity period of the work agreement. So the mentioned Employees (both are the same employee; at least the name is the same??) are already terminated and therefore can not be used or will be displayed in the most F4-helps.
The required functionality (set internal Employee to a status other than 'Active') is not supported in the standard Business ByDesign solution.
The System works as designed.
Even though you have terminated the employee in Personnel Administration work center, the respective Business Partner remains Active because as per definition, a business partner can be used for other roles like Account, suppliers, etc. Blocking a Business Partner while terminating an employee will result in inconsistency, if the Business partner is used in any other Business transaction document (Ex: sales order, purchase order).
Although the Employee is terminated we allow not a status other than active for internal Employees. The reason for this design is consumer of internal Employees (Rehire Employee, Employee OWL, Change workplace address, Change Private Address, etc. ) counting on this system behavior. Hence, it is not possible to block/Obsolete a Business Partner which is a Internal Employee (Active or Terminated).
The terminated employees might have been responsible for some opportunities while they were still active. Therefore to be able to se arch for such opportunities, the value help still shows also the terminated employees.
In cases, if the Business partner has only Service Agent role, you can block the status manually in the Business partner Data work center by using Change Status. So if an Service Agent has been in any point of time an internal Employee, the status cannot be changed.
Note: Same logic is applicable for the Cloud For Customer as well.
Business Partner status , Unable to update Business Partner, Business Partner Employee , KBA , SRD-MD-BP , Business Partner , Product Enhancement