- You use the new Customer Vendor Integration (CVI) after an upgrade to release ECC 600 or higher.
- During the synchronization of industries several errors can occur:
- You edit a customer or vendor and when you save the changes the following short dump occurs: ASSERTION_FAILED in FSBP_IND_SECTOR_MAPPER.
- If the PPO is not activated a dump will occur or if the data is not synchronized the error R11 173 is displayed in the PPO.
- ECC 600 (SAP_ABA 700, SAP_APPL 600)
SAP ERP 6.0 ; SAP enhancement package for SAP ERP all versions
industry mapping, customer/vendor integration, ASSERTION_FAILED in FSBP_IND_SECTOR_MAPPER, R11 173, 956054 , KBA , r11173 , FS-BP , Business Partner , CA-FS-CVI , Customer Vendor Integration – FS-BP part , How To
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