SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

1670882 - Underlined text breaks on applying alignment as Justified


  • Using the Crystal Reports SDK for Visual Studio .NET
  • Underlined text breaks on applying alignment as 'Justified' when viewed in a Windows or WPf viewer
  • The underlined text displays correctly in the CR designer


  • Crystal Reports 2008
  • Visual Studio .NET 2008


  • Crystal Reports for Visual Studio 2010
  • Visual Studio 2010

Reproducing the Issue

  • For Visual Studio 2008 and Crystal Reports 2008:
    1. Create a simple report and place a text object in the report
    2. Enter text with multiple lines
    3. Select the Underline option for the text
    4. Go to 'Format Editor' of the text object, select the 'Paragraph' Tab. Select the 'Alignment' as 'Justified'
    5. Save the report and view it from the Windows application
  • For Visual Studio 2010 and Crystal Reports for Visual Studio 2010:
    1. Create a simple report and place a text object in the report
    2. Enter text with multiple lines
    3. Select the Underline option for the text
    4. Go to 'Format Editor' of the text object, select the 'Paragraph' Tab. Select the 'Alignment' as 'Justified'
    5. Set the 'Reading Order' as 'Right to Left'
    6. Save the report and view it from the Windows application or WPF viewer


  • The issue is resolved in Service Pack 2 for Crystal Reports for Visual Studio 2010
  • The issue is resolved in Service Pack 4 for Crystal Reports 2008
  • Reference: ADAPT01511671


CR2010 2010 CR4VS2010 CR4VS VS2010 NET2010 Crystal Reports for .NET Framework 4.0 crforvs 13 CR2008 2008 12 , KBA , BI-DEV-NET-SDK , .NET SDK / COM SDK , Problem


Crystal Reports 2008 V1 ; SAP Crystal Reports, developer version for Microsoft Visual Studio