- Sometimes, when indexing some big spaces (millions of records) got the following error:
End Date: 2011/12/02 16:00 Server, SIAEXPLORER.PolestarIndexing, generated the following messages:Index Creation Succeeded Server, SIAEXPLORER.PolestarSearch, generated the following messages:Search index update failed (background merge hit exception: _2wf:c85into _2wg [optimize]-/app/bobje/data/Polestar/index/SIAEXPLORER.PolestarSearch/InProgress/SearchIndexes/2011-12-02_15.58.12.307/_2wg.fdx (Too many open files))
- SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise 3.1 Service Pack 4.
- SAP Explorer 3.2 Service Pack 3.
- Operating System: Red Hat Linux 5.4
SAP EXPLORER 3.2 Service Pack 3, Too many files open, Linux Red Hat , KBA , BI-RA-EXP , Obsolete: Polestar, Explorer , Problem
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