- Publication fails with report burst option one database fetch per recipient.
- Publication succeeds with burst option one database fetch for all recipients.
- Publication fails with an error message similar to following: 2012-02-02 11:29:57,230 ERROR [PublishingService:HandlerPool-16] BusinessObjects_PublicationAdminErrorLog_Instance_2302 - [Publication ID # 2302] - Scheduling document job "publication_test" (ID: 2,312) failed: Index: 0, Size: 0 Scheduling document 'publication_test' (ID: 2,312) failed for the following users: John (ID: 2142) . These users had the following profile values: Global Profile 'global_profile' (ID: 1783) values: 8[Massachusetts] (FBE60502) [3 recipients processed.]
- SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise XI3.1
- SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise XI3.0
SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 ; SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.1
Index: 0;Size: 0;publication failed , KBA , BI-RA-WBI , Web Intelligence , Problem
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