- The entire Real-Time Node is missing in Data Services Management Console
- Access server will not start up.
- Access server is configured in Server Manager
- Cannot see Access Server listed on the Management Console > Administrator.
- Error: "An error occurred during parsing of the configuration file. Message: "XML Parsing exception fatal error in file %LINK_DIR%/bin/accessserver_#/AS.xml", Line 1, Column: Invalid document structure. Exiting . . . . (BODI-300003)"
- Error: "Access Server is not available. (BODI-3010001)"
- Error: "Access Server '<server name>:<port>' is not available. If SSL protocol is used, the java keystore for the management console must contain the certificates for the access server. (BODI-3016130)"
- Restarting the whole server host, SIA is working fine after that, but DS service doesn't come up successfully.
Data Services 4.2
SAP Data Services all versions
DSXI, BODS, DS, data services, access server, real time services , KBA , EIM-DS-SVR , Administration/Server , Bug Filed
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