When you try Check or Activate an Org Unit/Org Structure, system throws below error message:
Employee XYZ (ID ABC) has more than one position assignment per time frame
Reproducing the Issue
- Go to Organizational Management work center.
- Select Edit Org Structures in Common Tasks.
- Check or Activate the Org Unit or the Org Structure.
The cause for this error message is that the Service Agent XYZ was added more than once into his/her org unit.
The invalid or the additional assignment should be removed to overcome the error message.
- Go to Organizational Management work center.
- Select Edit Org Structures in Common Tasks.
- Highlight the Org Unit and go to Employees tab.
- Select the row which has the invalid assignment of the service agent XYZ.
- Select Delete button.
Now, you can Check and Activate the Org Unit/Org Structure.
KBA , employee , has more than one position , assignment per time frame , AP-OM , Organisational Management , Product Enhancement
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