When publishing a Web service from a Web Intelligence (Webi) report or while displaying the list of Web Services when modifying a document, an error occurs:
'XML reader error: ParseError at [row,col]:[2175,37] Message: XML document structures must start and end within the same entity.' |
When using an HTTP debugger (i.e.: fiddler), the response to HTTP calls under /dswsbobje webapp exhibit infinite loops behaviours. This can occur on various elements and has been seen on managedqueryasaservice?wsdl web services calls as well as Session?wdsl
Below is an example of the behaviour (the <s:sequence> loop has been shorten to ease reading of this KBA)
<s:element name="resetSessionTimeOutResponse"> |
- BI 4.0 SP02 patch 11 - seen on various patch levels including patch 4.10
- Windows
webintelligence, infoview, ADAPT01612321, ADAPT, 01612321 , KBA , BI-RA-WBI , Web Intelligence , Bug Filed
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