- Errors are different depending on specific database that Data Services is bulk-loading into, and depending on bulk-loading method
- Your job or workflow has multiple concurrent dataflows that bulk-load to the same table
- Your job or workflow has multiple concurrent dataflows that load into the same target table of which at least one bulk-loads into the target table
- In the same dataflow you are using the same target table twice - once to load inserts via bulkloading, the other to handle updates via regular loading to target (and a method like Table Comparison or Auto correct)
- Data Services all versions
- Different databases supported by Data Services that offer bulk-loading functionality
SAP Data Services 4.0 ; SAP Data Services 4.1 ; SAP Data Services XI 3.2
DS, bulkload, locked, locking, failed, error , KBA , EIM-DS , Data Services , Problem
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