- A custom web application to view a Crystal report using managed RAS SDK, fails when executed from Visual Studio with below error message on development machine.
"ErrorLog 2012 2 15 16:16:32.238 3268 8412 (reportwebapp:102)(..\cdtsagent.cpp:3321): CDTSagent::doOneRequest reqId=103:
CSResultException thrown. ErrorSrc:"CRPE" FileName:"..\reporthandler.cpp" LineNum:5718 ErrorCode:525
ErrorMsg:"Unable to load report." DetailedErrorMsg:""
- Application fails at below line of code,
CrReportClientDocument = reportAppFactory.OpenDocument(jobID, 0);
- Windows 7
- BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.1
- Visual Studio 2008
- An Enterprise .NET web application to view report using RAS.
SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.1
ras, vs08, vs2008, boe , KBA , BI-DEV-NET-SDK , .NET SDK / COM SDK , Problem
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