You are importing a package or transporting a request and the operation stops with the following error message:
Result of cross-total check indicates a damaged data file
Please contact the SAP support.
End of Transport (0016 or 0012).
Similar to the following:
This error message can also appears during DISASSEMBLE step, during a client copy or any other operation that involves importing a data file.
You cannot continue with the import.
- SAP NetWeaver ABAP Release Independent
cofile, datafile, spam, saint, SUM, sapup, ehpi, ehp, uncar, sapcar, car, compressed, binary, http, mode, file, transfer, copy, fetch, send, destroyed, client, copy, upgrade, update, online, correction, please, contact, sap, support, Error, Result, of, cross, total, check, indicates, a, damaged, data, file, copy , KBA , BC-UPG-OCS-SPA , Support package tools for ABAP , BC-CTS , Change and Transport System , Problem
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