- Incorrect data set returned
- When reporting off a Universe in Crystal Reports, it does not return the expected number of records
- When reporting off the same Universe in Web Intelligence, it returns the expected result set.
- The SQL query Crystal Reports send to the data source is different than the one sent by the Web Intelligence document
- Crystal Reports removes spaces from the SQL Query when reporting off a Universe
- Crystal Reports 2008
- Crystal Reports 2011
Reproducing the Issue
- Create a Universe off any data source
- Add one table to the Universe
- Create an object with an SQL that uses spaces, like: Replace(,' ',' ')
- Save the Universe, and export it to the BusinessObjects Enterprise repository
- Create a Web Intelligence document off the Universe that uses that object
- Notice the SQL Query generated
- In Crystal Reports, create a report off the same Universe
- Notice in the SQL Query generated, you will see something like:
Replace(,' ',' ')
Instead of the expected SQL to be like
Replace(,' ',' ')
You notice it actually removes all the spaces, which causes the data source to return a different result set.
- The issue has been identified and logged under Problem Report ID ADAPT01562924
- To resolve this issue, apply one of the following product update for Crystal Reports 2008:
- Fix Pack 3.7
- Fix Pack 4.1
- Service Pack 5
CR , KBA , BI-RA-CR , Crystal Reports designer or Business View Manager , Bug Filed
Crystal Reports 2008 V0 ; Crystal Reports 2008 V1 ; SAP Crystal Reports 2011, feature pack 03