- Error "Login failed. Invalid user or password."
- Creating Analysis workspace using MSAS SSO connection fails
SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence Platform BI4.0, 4.1, 4.2
Analysis Edition for OLAP Web
sso, mdas, ssas, olap, aao, aaow, AOLAP, A-OLAP, OLAP, Advanced Analysis for OLAP, BI, 4.0, 40, BI4.0, BI40, 4.1, 41, BI4.1, BI41, 4.2, 42, BI4.2, BI42, workspace, work space, MDAS, multidimensional analysis services, MDAS, multidimensional analysis services, single signon, sign on, Kerberos database, Could not load configuration file C:\!test\krb5.ini, APS failed to load the krb5.ini, Client not found in Kerberos database, Specified version of key is not available, GSS-API, MSAS, Micorosft Analysis Services, Windows AD, active directory, KBase 1688079 , KBA , BI-RA-AWB , Analysis, edition for OLAP (Web) , BI-BIP-AUT , Authentication, ActiveDirectory, LDAP, SSO, Vintela , Problem
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