Crystal Report Schedule fails intermittently for few parameter values and throws error message "Object failed to run due to an error while processing on the Job Server".
Following error messages could be seen in the windows event viewer:
"The scheduler component failed the object identified by 52335883. The job associated with the object was unresponsive"
"The schedule result provided by the Job Server for the object identified by 52334760 is invalid"
"Subprocess (Job Server Child) could not be started. Reason: Couldn't get IJob interface or writing IAudit: Pipe exception. Reason: jobserverchild (procprogram, 2, Could not send request to child [13860] (timeout = [60000]ms, request time span = [2013])"
- SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.1
Cr schedule fail intermittently , KBA , BI-BIP-ADM , BI Servers, security, Crystal Reports in Launchpad , Problem
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