- All Data Federator (DF) roles are granted privileges to the top folder "/" in DF Query Server Administrator.
- Only the users in BOE built-in "Administrators" group are able to run the report off DF universe without the error.
- SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise (BOE) user groups have been mapped to Data Federator (DF) roles correctly.
- A database error occurred. The database error test is: [Data Federator Driver] Failure to connect any of provided hosts.. (WIS 10901)
- Data Federator XI 3.0.x
- BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.x
SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.1 ; SAP Data Federator XI 3.0
webi,df,universe,data federator,boe,database error,10901,WIS , KBA , EIM-DF , Data Federator (use BI-BIP-DF) , Problem
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