How to print Detail section records in Report’s Page Front side and Terms and Conditions or images on Page Back side of the report
Crystal Reports 2008
- Create a Group on a Field and Suppress the Report Header, Page Footer and Report Footer sections.
- Right-click the group’s footer and select ‘Insert Section Below’.
- Create a formula field named ‘PageNumberIncr’. Add the following text to its formula text:
Numbervar nPage := nPage+1;
- Add this field in the group header section, then suppress it. This formula will increment a page counter every time the group header section is create, which is once per customer.
In Group footer 1A
- This will acts like the reports’s page footer
- Right-click the section and select Section Expert… Check ‘Print at Bottom of Page’, then click ‘OK’ to close the dialog window
- Create a formula field named ‘Page N of M’. Add the following text to its formula text:
//Use this field if you only want to count the front of each page
Numbervar nPage;
"Page " & ToText(nPage,0) & " of " & ToText(TotalPageCount/2,0)
- Add this filed to the GF1A section, size it to be the width of the section, then click the ‘Align Center’ toolbar button.
In Group Footer 1B
This section will act as the back page of the report
Resize the section to be nearly a full page in length–for starters, try 9.5″. Next, insert an image or text object that contains your images or terms and conditions into this section.
Finally, right-click on the section’s name and select Section Expert… Check ‘New Page Before’ and ‘New Page After’, then click ‘OK’ to close the dialog windows.
Note: If don’t have access to a duplex printer, print the odd-numbered pages (the fronts) first, return these pages to the printer (making sure to orient the pages correctly), then print the even-number pages (the backs).
print report in front and back side of pages, duplex printer, Terms and conditions on page back side, print images on page back side, print records in page back side, crystal reports , KBA , BI-RA-CR-DSL , Crystal Reports on C++ Data Semantic Layer (ClassicUniverse) , How To