How to change the date in to a text wording
Crystal report 2008
Crystal report 2011
- Create a sample report which will have any date field
- Write the following formula and place it in the report
NumberVar DayIn := Day (date field);
"This "
& Totext (DayIn , 0 )
& (if DayIn in 4 to 20 then 'th' else
if remainder (DayIn , 10) = 1 then 'st' else
if remainder (DayIn , 10) = 2 then 'nd' else
if remainder (DayIn , 10) = 3 then 'rd' else 'th')
& " day of "
& Totext (date field , "MMMM, yyyy")
For example, if the date is 22/03/2002 then it will display "This 22nd day of March, 2002"
converting date to text words, date to text words in crystal, date to words in CR 2008, date to words in CR 2011 , KBA , BI-RA-CR-DSL , Crystal Reports on C++ Data Semantic Layer (ClassicUniverse) , How To