You try to Check or Activate an Organizational Structure in Organizational Management work center. But this is not possible since the system throws below error message:
"Sales Organization XYZ used in sales documents; delete not possible, Operation not possible; sales org. referenced by material ABC". (XYZ represents the Sales Organization; ABC represents the Material)
SAP Business ByDesign
Reproducing the Issue
- Go to Organizational Management work center.
- Select Edit Org Structures.
- Highlight the respective Org Structure.
- Select Check All or Activate All.
- The above mentioned error message appears.
The respective Org Unit might be marked as a Sales Organization and have Sales Functions with some validity. Anyone of the below change will cause the issue:
- If you have completely removed the Sales Functions from the Org Unit.
- Delimiting the Sales Functions in the Org Unit to a past or future date.
- Deleting the Org Unit in the Planning Area.
Once a Sales Organization is used in a Material, Service or any other Business Transaction Document, then it is not possible to delete the Sales Organization Function or delimit the validity of it to the past date, or to delete the Org Unit.
A possible solution to overcome the issue is to delimit the Org Unit or the Sales property of the Org Unit to a future date.
You can also refer to the knowledge base article 1681186 - Error Message: Operation not Possible; Sales Org. Referenced by Service Product XYZ
If the solution of blocking the Sales Organization in the Material doesn’t solve the issue, then you can re-assign the Sales Organization Function in the respective Org Unit.
See Also
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Unable Deletion , KBA , SRD-MD-OM , Organizational Management , Product Enhancement