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1704557 - Access_Violation error when running DS jobs with DATETIME arithmetic


  • Access_Violoation of al_engine when DATETIME - INTERVAL is present in Query transform
  • DS Designer crashes when viewing Optimized SQL when DATETIME - INTERVAL is present in Query transform
  • Error in execution log similar to:
    14.0) 03-28-12 08:06:08 (E) (6860:3696) SYS-170101: |Session
    Job_DailySiteSum|Work flow WF_someworkflow|Data flow DF_someworkflow                              System Exception
    <ACCESS_VIOLATION> occurred. Process dump is written to

    Services\log\BODI_MINI20120328080558_2248.DMP> and
    <D:\BusinessObjects\Data Services\log\BODI_FULL20120328080558_2248.DMP>
                                                          Process dump is
    written to <C:\BusinessObjects\Data
    Services\log\BODI_MINI20120328080558_2248.DMP> and

    Services\log\BODI_FULL20120328080558_2248.DMP>      Call stack:

    0x0000000080307D33, MsDB::printBinOpExpr()+0243 byte(s),

    d:\im_ds_40_sp_rel\src\dataservices\dataintegrator\codeline\code\src\dbspec\mssql.cpp, line 1438

    0x00000000801A4AEB, GenDB::printBin()+1851 byte(s),

    d:\im_ds_40_sp_rel\src\dataservices\dataintegrator\codeline\code\src\dbspec\gendb.cpp, line 1820

    0x00000000801936D1, GenDB::printExpr()+0193 byte(s),

    d:\im_ds_40_sp_rel\src\dataservices\dataintegrator\codeline\code\src\dbspec\gendb.cpp, line 1263

    0x0000000080307858, MsDB::printExpr()+0184 byte(s),

    d:\im_ds_40_sp_rel\src\dataservices\dataintegrator\codeline\code\src\dbspec\mssql.cpp, line 1858                                   Registers:

    RAX=0000000000208758  RBX=0000000002434F40 RCX=0000000000208758
    RDX=0000000000000067  RSI=0000000000000000

    RDI=0000000000000000  RBP=0000000000000000 RSP=00000000002086B0
    RIP=0000000080307D33  FLG=0000000000010216

    R8=0000000080000000   R9=0000000081A00D48 R10=00000000070C23E0
    R11=0000000000208EE8  R12=000000000020B1D8

    R13=00000000074222B0  R14=00000000017CF720 R15=0000000005AC9F40
                                                          Exception code:
    C0000005 ACCESS_VIOLATION                                            Fault address:
    0000000180307D33 01:0000000000306D33 D:\BusinessObjects\Data

    ==========================================================                                   Collect the
    following and send to Customer Support:             1. Log files
    (error_*, monitor_*, trace_*) associated with this failed job.               2. Exported ATL
    file of this failed job.
                                                          3. DDL statements
    of tables referenced in this failed job.
                                                          4. Data to
    populate the tables referenced in the failed job. If not possible, get
    the last few rows (or sample of them) when                                the job failed.
                                                          5. Core dump, if
    any, generated from this failed job.




Data Services 4.0 SP1


SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence, Edge edition 4.0, version with data integration


DS , BODS , DI , BODI , Edge , KBA , EIM-DS , Data Services , Problem

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