SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

1705986 - You Received the following Warning Message in your Sales Order : "The source of supply cannot be determined".


When you enter a second item in a sales order for which both items are for third-party order processing, the following warning message is displayed: The source of supply cannot be determined.


SAP Business ByDesign

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Go to Sales Order work center.
  2. Select the Sales Orders view .
  3. Search for the Sales Order ABC  (ABC represents the ID of the Sales Order).
  4. Select the Sales Order ABC 
  5. Go to Items view
  6. Add a new item.

 You will see the warning message The source of supply cannot be determined; Check the sourcing-relevant master data.



The reason for the issue in the Sales Order is, that the Complete Delivery indicator is set for the sales order. The Complete Delivery indicator is determined from the Account Master Data for the respective Sales Organization.


  1. Go to Sales Order work center.
  2. Select the Sales Orders view .
  3. Search for the Sales Order ABC  (ABC represents the ID of the Sales Order).
  4. Select the Sales Order ABC 
  5. Select the Edit button.
  6. Remove the indicator for Complete Delivery.

You can now add a new item without any issue.

If you wish that the indicator is not active per default for the Account used in the Sales Order you can change the default setting as follows:

  1. Go to the Account Management work center.
  2. Select the Accounts view.
  3. Open the respective Account.
  4. Navigate to the Sales Data tab.
  5. Select respective Sales Organization and Distribution Channel.
  6. In the Details section you can de-activate the Complete Delivery indicator.
  7. Save your changes.

For more information on the Complete Delivery, please find the article : Complete Delivery Orders in the help center.


Complete Delivery; Third Party, Source of Supply , KBA , "complete delivery" , "externally fulfilled" , "third party" , AP-SLO , Sales Order Processing , How To


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