- DTP process works fine until all data has been processed within SAP BW.
- Then upon communication to FIM, a connection error is returned.
14.0) 03-27-12 16:18:30 (E) (14348:16612) BIW-230312: |Data flow DF_EXPORT_direct|Reader ********
Process Chain <********> with log ID <4P7RHM9GRI3HSBM0II2F4HBH2> at SAP system <appServer_sysID_SYSnum> failed with status
<R>. Check the log for error details.
(14.0) 03-27-12 16:18:30 (E) (14348:16612) BIW-230316: |Data flow DF_EXPORT_direct|Reader ********
Process chain <********> error log obtained from SAP BW system <appServer_sysID_SYSnum> - log ID: <4P7RHM9GRI3HSBM0II2F4HBH2>
log error: Error 009 (RSPC): Process Data Transfer Process, variant ZBDBCS_0 -> ******** has status Ended with errors
(instance DTPR_4P7RHQ3Q8SY93LC3FJ8K5GOD2)
Error 523 (RSBO): Process Data Transfer Process, variant ZBDBCS_0 -> ********has status Ended with errors (instance
DTPR_4P7RHQ3Q8SY93LC3FJ8K5GOD2)Error: SYSTEM_FAILURE with function RSB_API_OHS_3RDPARTY_NOTIFY and target system ********.
Error 899 (RSBO): Process Data Transfer Process, variant ZBDBCS_0 -> ******** has status Ended with errors (instance
DTPR_4P7RHQ3Q8SY93LC3FJ8K5GOD2)Error: SYSTEM_FAILURE with function RSB_API_OHS_3RDPARTY_NOTIFY and target system ********.Server
repository could not create function template for 'RSB_API_OHS_3RDPARTY_NOTIFY' caused by:
Error 241 (RSBK): Process Data Transfer Process, variant ZBDBCS_0 -> DOHBCSFIM has status Ended with errors (instance
DTPR_4P7RHQ3Q8SY93LC3FJ8K5GOD2)Error: SYSTEM_FAILURE with function RSB_API_OHS_3RDPARTY_NOTIFY and target system ********.Server
repository could not create function template for 'RSB_API_OHS_3RDPARTY_NOTIFY' caused by:
while updating to target ******** (type Open Hub Destination)
Error 120 (RS_EXCEPTION): Process Data Transfer Process, variant ZBDBCS_0 -> ******** has status Ended with errors (instance
DTPR_4P7RHQ3Q8SY93LC3FJ8K5GOD2)Error: SYSTEM_FAILURE with function RSB_API_OHS_3RDPARTY_NOTIFY and target system ********.Server
repository could not create function template for 'RSB_API_OHS_3RDPARTY_NOTIFY' caused by:
while updating to target ******** (type Open Hub Destination)Operation could not be carried out for
Error 228 (RSBK): Process Data Transfer Process, variant ZBDBCS_0 -> ******** has status Ended with errors (instance
DTPR_4P7RHQ3Q8SY93LC3FJ8K5GOD2)Error: SYSTEM_FAILURE with function RSB_API_OHS_3RDPARTY_NOTIFY and target system BCS_SB4.Server
repository could not create function template for 'RSB_API_OHS_3RDPARTY_NOTIFY' caused by:
while updating to target ******** (type Open Hub Destination)Operation could not be carried out forException CX_RS_FAILED
- BW 7.3 SP5
- FIM 10.0
- Data Services 4.2 SP2.
BODS, DS, BW, JCO connection, FIM, process chain, openhub , KBA , EIM-DS , Data Services , Problem
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