- Is CentOS Linux Supported?
- Is OpenSUSE Linux Supported?
- Corruption in DSConfig.txt file
- Cannot add Job Server with svrcfg
error: Check Prerequisites
Summary of any missing critical or optional prerequisites
Failed: Minimum patch level requirements for OS (Critical) Information: Unsupported platform: Please install this product on RedHat 5, SuSE 11 or higher
- CentOS Linux
- OpenSUSE Linux
- SAP Data Services 4.x
SAP Data Services all versions
CentOS-6, Cent OS, OpenSUSE-12, open suse, release 6.5, IPS, DS, 14.0, 14.1, 14.2, BIP, BI Platform, BOE, open source, distribution, can't install,, corrupt, jobserver , KBA , EIM-DS , Data Services , EIM-DS-DEP , Deployment, Installation, Upgrade , Problem
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