- Cannot log on to CMC
- Following logs are found in the CMS traces:
The corresponding log file indicates an error related to CMS:
|2CC99F997A084F2B960705889F98D108e|2012 04 20 14:04:29.321|+0200|Error|
|>>| | |SIA_NAME|13212| 25|SIA_NAME.CentralManagementServer
(Process Agent)|
||||||||||||||||||||com.businessobjects.cad.syslog||Server Intelligence
Agent: server SIA_NAME.CentralManagementServer stopped unexpectedly.
|2CC99F997A084F2B960705889F98D108f|2012 04 20
14:04:29.386|+0200|Information| |==| | |SIA_NAME|13212|
26|SIA_NAME.CentralManagementServer (Native Process Agent)|
||||||||||||||||||||com.businessobjects.cad.syslog||Server Intelligence
Agent: server SIA_NAME.CentralManagementServer has been started.
|2CC99F997A084F2B960705889F98D10810|2012 04 20
14:04:30.006|+0200|Information| |==| | |SIA_NAME|13212|
26|SIA_NAME.CentralManagementServer (Native Process Agent)|
||||||||||||||||||||com.businessobjects.cad.syslog||Server Intelligence
Agent: server SIA_NAME.CentralManagementServer stopped with exit code
0 (0x0).
|2CC99F997A084F2B960705889F98D10811|2012 04 20
14:04:30.006|+0200|Error||>>| | |SIA_NAME|13212|
(Process Agent)|
||||||||||||||||||||com.businessobjects.cad.syslog||Server Intelligence
Agent: server SIA_NAME.CentralManagementServer is considered failed
because it has stopped 5 time(s) within 60 minute(s). Please restart this
|2CC99F997A084F2B960705889F98D10812|2012 04 20
14:04:30.007|+0200|Error||>>| | |SIA_NAME|13212|
(Process Agent)|
||||||||||||||||||||com.businessobjects.cad.syslog||Server Intelligence
Agent: CMS SIA_NAME.CentralManagementServer has failed and the Server
Intelligence Agent has not been able to connect to the cluster. Please
verify your CMS port and database settings are correct.
- SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence 4.0
- Unix OS
KBA , BI-BIP-DEP , Webapp Deployment, Networking, Vulnerabilities, Webservices , Problem
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