- When transporting a request, the transport hungs and does not finish.
- The following error is displayed in the corresponding SLOG<yy><ww>.<SID> file (where <yy> is the year, <ww> is the week of the year and <SID> is the name of the system where the transport request is being imported):
ERROR: Background job RDDIMPDP is not scheduled. Please run report RDDNEWPP.
- In the Import Monitor (STMS --> Overview --> Import --> double click on the system where the import is taking place), the 'Import Status' column shows a truck icon (meaning that the import is still running).
sapevt, lorry, trigger, stop, Background job RDDIMPDP is not scheduled. , KBA , BC-CTS-TMS , Transport Management System , BC-CTS-ORG , Workbench/Customizing Organizer , Problem
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