- Using enrollment code to register an iOS device with Afaria causes the error "Enrollment failed" on the device.
- Additionaly the ICU (KBA 1713455) shows an Error HTTP 204
Apr 26 12:01:17 unknown Afaria[13558] <Warning>: shortenrollmenturl_preference:
Apr 26 12:01:18 unknown Afaria[13558] <Warning>: [HomeViewController applyBranding]
Apr 26 12:01:20 unknown Afaria[13558] <Warning>: httpResponse.allHeaderField Dictionary: {
"Cache-Control" = private;
Date = "Thu, 26 Apr 2012 10:01:14 GMT";
Server = "Microsoft-IIS/7.5, Microsoft-IIS/7.5";
"Transfer-Encoding" = Identity;
"X-AspNet-Version" = "2.0.50727";
"X-Powered-By" = "ASP.NET";
Apr 26 12:01:20 unknown Afaria[13558] <Warning>: connection:didReceiveResponse: http 204
Apr 26 12:01:20 unknown Afaria[13558] <Warning>: HomeViewController enrollmentCodeSeedDataDidLoadWith [0] and http: 204
Apr 26 12:01:20 unknown Afaria[13558] <Warning>: http: 204 - Tracing the Problem with DebugView (KBA 1713349) shows an Error "validateEnrollID invalid DataSet"
[5576] thread:7 time: 2012/04/26 12:01:20 Request to GetEnrollmentSeedData: http://provisioningserver.hbgtech.intra/aips/aipService.svc/GetEnrollmentSeedData?ID={feffddb1-3e07-4fd2-a984-af1f7b8db914}&ClientType=-8
[5576] thread:7 time: 2012/04/26 12:01:20 http GET Request
[5576] thread:7 time: 2012/04/26 12:01:20 [0] Connection keep-alive
[5576] thread:7 time: 2012/04/26 12:01:20 [1] Accept */*
[5576] thread:7 time: 2012/04/26 12:01:20 [2] Accept-Encoding gzip, deflate
[5576] thread:7 time: 2012/04/26 12:01:20 [3] Accept-Language de-de
[5576] thread:7 time: 2012/04/26 12:01:20 [4] Host
[5576] thread:7 time: 2012/04/26 12:01:20 [5] User-Agent Afaria iPhone Client
[5576] thread:7 time: 2012/04/26 12:01:20 [6] IAS-RS-AFQ 210cc815005e000000000018.wo0g$
[5576] thread:7 time: 2012/04/26 12:01:20 isGUID ok GUID: feffddb1-3e07-4fd2-a984-af1f7b8db914
[5576] thread:7 time: 2012/04/26 12:01:20 parseEnrollmentParams ClientType: -8
[5576] thread:7 time: 2012/04/26 12:01:20 createAfariaProxy registry endpoint:
[5576] net.tcp://localhost:7007/AfariaIphoneServer[2147483647]
[1196] thread:6 time: 2012/04/26 12:01:20 <SQL validateEnrollID: Select * From A_ENROLLMENT_CODES Where CodeID='{feffddb1-3e07-4fd2-a984-af1f7b8db914}' << validate enrollment code ID
[1196] thread:6 time: 2012/04/26 12:01:20 RunSQL return << validate enrollment code ID
[1196] thread:6 time: 2012/04/26 12:01:20 validateEnrollID invalid DataSet
[5576] thread:7 time: 2012/04/26 12:01:20 getAfariaEnrollmentSeedData ret: False
[5576] thread:7 time: 2012/04/26 12:01:20 sendEmptyMessage HttpStatusCode.NoContent
- Afaria 6.6
- Afaria 7.x
- Provisioning Server
- Enrollment Server
- iPhone Server
SAP Afaria 6.6 ; SAP Afaria 7.0
KBA , MOB-AFA , Afaria , Problem
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