- Exported a job and all the custom functions that are called by other custom functions are not exported with it.
- Some custom functions are not exported when exporting a job to atl or directly to another repository.
- If a custom function is only called by another custom function and not called directly by a transform in the job, it is not exported when the job is exported like it should be.
- Error: "|SESSION <JobName>|DATAFLOW <DataflowName>|STATEMENT <GUID: 'nnnnn' QUERY <QueryTransformName> Function <FunctionName>> was not found in the repository. Before use, a script function must be created, and a non-script function must be imported."
Data Services
SAP Data Services 4.0 ; SAP Data Services XI 3.2
BODI , BO , DI , BODS , DS , DSXI , XI , KBA , EIM-DS , Data Services , EIM-DQM-SAP , Data Quality Management for SAP , Bug Filed
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