- When executing a campaign with communication method '10 File Export' all business partners of type 'group' (business partner type '03') are not exported.
- When executing a campaign with communication method '3 Internet Mail (SMTP)' all business partners of type 'group' (business partner type '03') are not contacted
- When executing a campaign with communication method '2 Phone' all business partners of type 'group' (business partner type '03') are not contacted
Campaign Execution in CRM Marketing
CRM_MKTTGGRP_EXPORT_BATCH; CRM_MKT_ADR_SEARCH; file export; campaign; campaign execution; business partner type 03; group; communication medium; stmp; phone; email, email adress; adress number; BUPA_MASS 008; Partner category is not person or organization; BUP_ADDRNUM_COMM_SELECT_ARRAY; Kampagne; Kampagnendurchführung; Dateiexport; Kampagnenausführung; Kommunikationsmedium; Gruppe; Internet Mail (STMP); Telefon; Emailadresse, Adressnummer; Partnertyp ist nicht Person oder Organisation; , KBA , CRM-MKT-SEG-IEX , Interface Execution , CRM-MKT-MPL-CPG , Marketing Planning and Campaign Management , CRM-MKT-MPL-CA-EXE , Execution , How To
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