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1722836 - Universe that user doesn’t have the “Create and Edit Queries Based on a Universe” right is displayed in the Universe list while creating a Web Intelligence Report


  • A user who is not granted the right "Create and Edit Queries Based on a Universe" on a particular UNV can still see it in a list of available Universes when creating a new WebI report using the WebI Rich Internet Application only (Java Report Panel)
  • The restricted Universe does not appear for the user in WebI Rich Client
  • If the Universe is selected, the appropriate error is displayed, so the user is still restricted:
    "The user does not have the rights to access this universe"



  • SAP Business Intelligence Platform 4.0
  • Web Intelligence
  • Universe Design Tool


SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform 4.0


WebI, WebIntelligence, Web Intelligence, Universe, UDT, Designer, appear, should not, list, see, visible, restricted, access, denied, view, select, UNV, univ, create, new, datasource, data, source, ADAPT01639292, ADAPT1639292, ADAPT, 01639292, 1639292 , KBA , BI-RA-WBI , Web Intelligence , BI-BIP-ADM , BI Servers, security, Crystal Reports in Launchpad , Bug Filed

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