Creating a New Customer Group Specific Price List trigger the error message : Record cannot be found by price calculation;key does not fit to BC.
Reproducing the Issue
- Go to the Product and Service Portfolio work center.
- Go to the Pricing view.
- In the Show field from drop-down select Customer Group Specific Price List and click on the Go button.
- Select New -> Customer Group Specific Price List and enter mandatory field such as the Name,Customer Group and Valid From/To .
- For the field Distribution Channel from drop-down select Direct Sales /Indirect Sales
- Select Save.
The following error message is triggered : Record cannot be found by price calculation;key does not fit to BC
When creating a New Customer Group Specific Price List the following combination are supported :
- Maintaining only the Customer Group.
- Maintaining the Customer Group and Sales Organization ID.
- Maintaining the Customer Group, Sales Organization ID and the Distribution Channel.
If you maintain the Customer Group and the Distribution Channel without the Sales Organization ID an error will occur.
1. Go to the Product and Service Portfolio work center.
2. Go to the Pricing view .
3. In the Show field from drop-down select Customer Group Specific Price List and click on the Go button.
4. Select New -> Customer Group Specific Price List and enter value for field Name,and Valid From/To .
4.1) For the field Customer Group from drop-down select any option and further Save and Release the Price List.
4. 2. i) For the field Customer Group from drop-down select any option and for field Sales Organization ID from value help select the value.
4. 2. ii)Click on the Save and further Release button to release the Price List.
4. 3. i) For field the Customer Group from drop-down select any option and for the field Sales Organization ID from value help select the require value.
4. 3. ii)For the field Distribution Channel from drop-down select Direct Sales/Indirect Sales.
4. 3. iii)Now click on the Save and Release the Price List.
KBA , price calculation , record cannot be found , key does not fit to bc , customer group specific price list , AP-PRC-PC , Calculation , How To