SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

1725944 - The Phone Number of the Contact Person is Displayed Incorrectly in the Phone Call Activity


The phone number of the contact person is displayed incorrectly in the phone call activity.

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Go to the Account Management work center.
  2. Go to the Contacts view.
  3. Show All Contacts and Find Contact ABC (ABC represents the ID of the contact).
  4. Click the Edit button.
  5. The phone number displayed here is XXX (XXX represents the phone number of the contact ABC).
  6. Now go to the Activities view.
  7. Show All Activities and Find XYZ (XYZ represents the phone call activity).
  8. Click the Edit button for activity XYZ.
  9. The phone number of contact ABC displayed here is YYY (YYY represents the phone number of the contact ABC).

Hence the phone number of the contact displayed in the activity is not same as it is maintained in the Contacts view. 


The phone number of the contact in the Contacts view was changed after the creation of phone call activity. The open activities do not get updated automatically with this change.


This is the expected behavior of the SAP Business ByDesign.  The update phone number will be be displayed when you create any new activity.


KBA , LOD-CRM-ACC , Account , How To


SAP BUSINESS BYDESIGN 1708 ; SAP Business ByDesign 1302 ; SAP Business ByDesign 1305 ; SAP Business ByDesign feature pack 3.0 ; SAP Business ByDesign feature pack 3.5 ; SAP Business ByDesign feature pack 4.0