When using the iPad app SAP BusinessObjects Explorer 4.0.5 to connect to an Explorer 4.02 environment we are getting the following error:
“It is not possible to generate the chart SAP DBTech JDBC:[2048]
column store error: search table error: [6900] Error
executing physical plan: exception6900:
OlapEngine/Paralle.cpp:2103 Attribute engine failed: $function$-
getsubTotalValue; $message$-invalid keyfigure ..."
SAP BusinessObjects BI server 4.02 Patch 17
SAP BusinessObjects Explorer 4.0.2 Patch 17
SAP BusinessObjects Explorer IOS application for iPad (current version 4.0.5)
It is not possible to generate chart,, iPad, HANA ipad, calculated measure, chart error, Explorer ipad error, Explorer chart, ipad chart , KBA , BI-RA-WBI , Web Intelligence , Problem
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