Zebra printer prints in slow speed.
Even though the speed was directly raised on the printer device, it remains slow through Adobe Document Services (ADS) using provided XDC files (zpl<xxx>.xdc).
The printing speed of this task is slower than Zebra device capacity; or the speed has to be increased.
- Adobe Document Services
- Zebra printer device
zebra, slow print, speed, speedup, increase, ads, zpl203, xdc, zpl300, Adobe Reader, Adobe DC, 00 001, 00001, Data Matrix, Barcode, ZPL, PDL, Printer, scanner, scan, FPRUNX001, FPRUN, 200 101, 100 101, 201 100 , KBA , BC-SRV-FP-IFA , Interactive Forms by Adobe , BC-CCM-PRN , Print and Output Management , Problem
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