- While authenticating the user against a specified CMS, SessionMgr.Logon() throws an error.
- Error: System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException (0x80042909): Active Directory Authentication failed to log you on.
Please contact your system administrator to make sure you are a member of a valid mapped group and try again. If you are not a member of the default domain, enter your user name as UserName@DNS_DomainName, and then try again.
at CrystalDecisions.Enterprise.zz_SessionMgrClass.Logon(String UserName, String Password, String CMSName, String Authentication) at CrystalDecisions.Enterprise.SessionMgr.Logon(String userName, String password, String cMSName, String authentication) at SchedReports.ProduceReport(String ReportName, String OutputFormat, String PrinterName, String OutputFilename, String Parms)
- BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.1
- Web Application
boe xi3.1 xi31 boxi net sdk not working logging authenticate unable 0x80042909 80042909 AD , KBA , BI-DEV-NET , BI Software Development Kits (SDKs) - .NET or Other , Problem
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