A fiscal year variant is assigned to the storage bucket profile of a planning area, to display and plan the data by fiscal periods. Usage of more than one FYV in a planning area is required, for example two kinds of fiscal periods - fiscal months and fiscal weeks.
When creating a data view, you cannot select the desired fiscal year variant using the F4 help.
When entering the desired fiscal year variant manually, the error "External planning buckets profile <TB-profile ID> is not valid" appears.
In interactive planning, you cannot select the desired fiscal year variant for display (Period Structure - Select Time Bucket Profile or Set Time Bucket Profile).
SAP Supply Chain Management (SCM)
SAP Advanced Planning and Optimization (SCM-APO)
SAP enhancement package for SAP Supply Chain Management
SAP Supply Chain Managment Demand Planning (SCM-APO-FCS)
/SAPAPO/SDP_PI026, /SAPAPO/SDP_PI 026, fiscal year variant, FYV, TB Profile ID , KBA , SCM-APO-FCS-BF , Basic Functions , How To
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