When you make outgoing check payment, the system gives the following error message: 'No payment format exists at bank XYZ to support bank check'. Then, you try to make outgoing bank payment from the same bank, and the system gives you another error message: 'No payment format exists at bank XYZ to support domestic bank transfer'.
(XYZ represents the bank ID)
SAP Business ByDesign
Reproducing the Issue
- Go to the Payment Management work center, and choose New Outgoing Check under Common Tasks.
- Specify the Company ID, Payee, Payment amount and currency, as well as Bank Account ID.
- Set the payment Reference to Items.
- In the Open Items table, select the target open item, and then choose Complete Bank Data.
- The system gives error message: 'No payment format exists at bank XYZ to support bank check'.
- You then try to make outgoing bank payment to the supplier from the same bank, then the system gives you another error message: 'No payment format exists at bank XYZ to support domestic bank transfer'.
- In the bank account master data, you could see payment methods Bank check and Domestic bank transfer are maintained under Payment Method tab.
Payment format is the electronic file format used to make payments from the bank. Your chosen payment formats define the allowed payment methods for your bank accounts and check lots. As you do not maintain payment formats for Bank Check and Domestic bank transfer, so the system gives the error messages.
In order to successfully make outgoing check or bank payment from the bank account, follow the steps below:
- First of all, go to the Business Configuration work center, and open the activity: "Outgoing Bank Transfers".
- Select "Edit assignment of payment method details to your payment medium formats".
- Check the Payment Formats for the payment methods: Domestic bank transfer and Bank check.
- Go back to the Liquidity Management work center, and open the related bank master data.
- Go to the Payment Formats tab, and Add Row.
- Select the Payment Medium Format Code you get above, and save the master data.
You should be able to successfully make the outgoing check or bank payment from this bank account.
Payment medium format, Bank Account, Domestic bank transfer, Outgoing Check , KBA , outgoing check , payment format missing , outgoing bank transfer , AP-PAY , Payment Processing , How To