When collecting all objects of a BPC 10 Environment and try to assign a package to the environment, the following error message is displayed and you cannot proceed with the transport request creation:
Entry R3TR AAPS 4FCA4DFFD7990980E1008000A7A11046 not permitted in object directory
Detailed error message:
Entry R3TR AAPS 4FCA4DFFD7990980E1008000A7A11046 not permitted in object directoryMessage no. TK232 DiagnosisOne of the following errors occurred when you edited the entry R3TR AAPS 4FCA4DFFD7990980E1008000A7A11046 in the object directory:
- Object type R3TR AAPS is not permitted in the object directory
- Object R3TR AAPS 4FCA4DFFD7990980E1008000A7A11046 is only a part of the directory object
Business Planning and Consolidation for NetWeaver 10
SAP Business Planning and Consolidation 10.0, version for SAP NetWeaver
BPC 10 R3TR AAPS APS object transport Change Package , KBA , EPM-BPC-NW-TRA , Transport , Problem
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