There are two different cases:
- The export of a transport request finishes with return code 14.
In the "Main Export" log file you can find different errors, for example:
Main export
Transport request : <SID>K<nnnnnn>
System : <SID>
tp path : tp
Version and release:
R3trans.exe version x.xx (release xxx - - hh:mm:ss).
unicode enabled version
Incomplete log ==> R3trans terminated for unknown reasons
Incorrect export. Request not imported.
Main export
End date and time : <DateTime>
Ended with return code: ===> 14 <===
As mentioned above, you can find different errors in the log file, but it always ends with the return code 14:
Ended with return code: ===> 14 <===
- The import of a transport request finishes with return code 255.
The Import log finishes with the following message:
Main import
End date and time : <DateTime>
Ended with return code: ===> 255 <===
- SAP Kernel 7.20
- Oracle database
- Windows operating system
TP195, TP 195, TP200, TP 200,Export of transport request finishes with return code 14 , KBA , BC-CTS-TMS , Transport Management System , BC-DB-ORA , Oracle , Bug Filed
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