When you try to Check or Activate an Organizational Structure, system throws below error message:
Timeline of Org Unit XYZ should be changed in future only
Reproducing the Issue
- Go to Organizational Management work center.
- Select Edit button or Select Edit Org Structures under Common Tasks.
- Highlight the Org Unit or Org Structure.
- Select Check All or Activate All option.
The cause for the issue is that you are trying to end the validity of the Org Unit XYZ to a past date. The reason for this behavior is, this Org Unit might have the Sales functions assigned to it. Because Sales Properties should be changed in future only. When the Sales Properties are changed in the past, reporting related to Sales may become inconsistent.
To overcome this issue, the validity of the Org Unit XYZ should be ended in future date only. It can be performed either of the below steps:
Using Effective From Date:
- Go to Organizational Management work center.
- Select Edit Org Structures under Common Tasks.
- Set the Effective Date as on or after two days from current date (Ex: if the todays date is 13/7/2012, then the effective from date should be on or after 15/7/2012)
- Highlight the Org Unit XYZ.
- Select Edit Org Unit button and choose End validity.
- Now, the Org Unit's validity will end by Next day's date (Ex: 14/7/2012), which is a future date.
Now, you can able to activate the Org Unit.
Using Timelines Tab:
- Go to Organizational Management work center.
- Select Edit Org Structures under Common Tasks.
- Highlight the Org Unit XYZ.
- Go to Timelines tab.
- Change the Valid To date of the Org Unit to a future date (Ex: if the todays date is 13/7/2012, then the Valid To date should be on or after 14/7/2012)
- Select Enter key in the keyboard.
Now, you can able to activate the Org Unit.
KBA , SRD-MD-OM , Organizational Management , How To