8 publications are scheduled simultaneously to 5000 recipients each. The failures are inconsistent and occur for different recipients.
The error FBE60502 is a standard publication error that can occur for various reasons. To get more information on the cause, you will want to look further into the AdaptiveJobServer logs as well as the corresponding Jobserver that is responsible for processing the report type.
- Desktop Intelligence - DeskiJobServer
- Crystal Reports - CRJobServer
- Web Intelligence - AdaptiveJobServer and WebiProcessingServer
The error in the CMC/InfoView is usually the same error the AdaptiveJobServer displays in its logs. However, the AJS may translate the error received from the corresponding server above. To find more info on the source of the error, look to the logs from these servers.
- Solaris 10
- SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.1 Service Pack 4
jkuhn publication unix file descriptor ulimit FBE 60502 , KBA , BI-BIP-ADM , BI Servers, security, Crystal Reports in Launchpad , BI-BIP-PER , Performance investigation , Problem
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