SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

1750086 - Unable to Check Depreciation Method to Exact Date for Depreciation Method XYZ


When you try to check/choose Depreciation Method to Exact Date for the Depreciation Method XYZ, the check box is grey out/read only.

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Go to Business configuration work center.
  2. Select Implementation Projects view.
  3. Select Open activity list button.
  4. Select Fine-Tune chevron.
  5. Select Depreciation Methods activity.
  6. Select XYZ.
  7. Under Calculation Parameters, the checkbox Depreciation Method to Exact Date cannot be checked.


The options Depreciation Only If No Special Depreciation and Depreciation Method to Exact Date are disabled, as per below conditions:

Depreciation Only If No Special Depreciation

1. Suspends depreciation in the case of special depreciation.

2. Set this checkbox if the system should not calculate depreciation when special depreciation is posted.

Depreciation Method to Exact Date

1. You can define that the system calculates depreciation for exact days. The period control rules of the depreciation method then no longer apply over the entire life of the fixed assets concerned.

2. Select this indicator if required.

Note: You cannot switch this setting on or off for a fixed asset if the asset has been posted to, even if you change the depreciation method.


The system works as designed.

You can also refer help center documentation Configuration: Depreciation Methods for further details.


KBA , depreciation methods , check box is grey out/read only , AP-RC-BCT , Business Config. Tools (SAP Business ByDesign , Product Enhancement


SAP Business ByDesign all versions


1750086 – Impossible d’activer Période d'amortissement à la date exacte pour la méthode d’amortissemnt XYZ.docx