- Route Schedule is not determined in the sales order
- Route Schedule is not populated during sales order creation
- Route Schedule field remains initial during the sales order creation
- Sales And Distribution (SD)
- Logistics Execution (LE)
- SAP R/3
- SAP R/3 Enterprise 4.7
- SAP ERP Central Component
- SAP Enhancement package for SAP ERP
- SAP Enhancement package for SAP ERP, version for SAP HANA
Availability check, SD Scheduling, Sales Order Scheduling, Route Schedule Determination, "Working Hours", "Shift Definitions", "Shift Sequences", "Route Schedule for shipping point", VAWK, TVST, ALW_SW, TVAK, TRTRM, route_schedule_determine, LV03CF02, SD_ROUTE_SCHEDULE_DETERMINE, SD_ROUTE_SCHEDULE_READ_DB, SD_ROUTE_SCHEDULE_PREPARE, "Routenfahrplan wird nicht befüllt", "Plan de itinerarios No completar", "Tournée ne renseigne pas", "Plano de itinerários não preencher", "Routenfahrplan nicht ermittelt", "Plan de itinerarios determinado no", "Tournée non déterminée", "Plano de itinerários não determinado" , Routenfahrplan, Kundenauftrag, Versandstelle, Arbeitszeiten, Transportterminierung, Versandbedingung, Kundenstamm, Abladestelle, Warenausgangszeit, Warenempfänger, Anlieferzeit, Auftragsart, Transportgruppe, Schichtprogramme, Schichtdefinitionen, spezifische Transitzeit, Warenannahmezeiten , KBA , LE-SHP-GF-RS , Route Scheduling , Problem
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