When trying to start the Server Intelligence Agent (SIA) on a SAP BI4.0 system, you get the error:
Server Intelligence Agent: server sap.CentralManagementServer stopped with exit code = -1,073,741,511 (0xc0000139).
This error can occur when the CMS fails to load a specific DLL. This mismatch in DLL's can occur if you install a version of Explorer which is different than the version of BI4.
Installing Explorer SP4 on a BI4 SP2 system
It is possible to get BI4 back into a working (but potentially unstable) state by copying the dll's in the \SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 4.0\win64_x64 folder from another BI4 system which is at the same patch level as your failed system into the failed systems \SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 4.0\win64_x64 directory.
However, the recommended solution at this time is to do a complete re-install of BI4 at the same patch level as the version of Explorer you are installing.
If you are installing Explorer SP4 - then re-install BI4 SP4
exit code,"-1,073,741,511",(0xc0000139), 0xc0000139 , KBA , BI-BIP-DEP , Webapp Deployment, Networking, Vulnerabilities, Webservices , Problem