SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

1757249 - Sales Order Volume Report Show Incorrect Data


Sales Volume Report is showing incorrect data, it is also showing the sales order which are not even available in the SAP ByDesign system.


SAP Business ByDesign

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Go to the Sales Orders work center.
  2. Go to the Reports view.
  3. Open Sales Order Volume report.
  4. Selection Parameters:
    • Time Frame: Last Month.
    • Remove the filter: Status (Header).
  5. Select the Go button.
  6. Move Account to rows (from Currently not shown).
  7. Search for the account ABC (ABC represents the ID of a customer account).

Here the account ABC with a turnover of XXX amount is shown. This Order does not exists in the SAP Business ByDesign system (XXX represents the net value of the order).


The report also shows the data for the sales order created via web shop.
The sales order which is not visible in SAP ByDesign system was created via web shop and sent to ByD.

Now the reason for Sales Order created for the account ABC not being shown in the ByDesign sales order interface is because, this sales order is created from internet and this Sales Order has Customer Request Release status as Not Released.
SAP ByDesign does not show sales order with status Not Released on the sales order interface.

To set or manage the sales order (created via web shop) release status you need to check the Business Configuration scoping questions and take appropriate actions:

  1. Go to the Business Configuration work center
  2. Go to the Implementation Projects view.
  3. Show All Projects and select the relevant one.
  4. Edit the Project Scope
  5. In Scoping, go to the section Questions -> Select Sales -> Selling Products and Services -> E-Selling -> Questions:
    • Would you like your customers to confirm sales orders that originate from an E-Shop with information calculated in the Business ByDesign system?
    • Would you like your employees to control the release of sales orders that originate from a web shop in order to initiate order processing?
    • Do you want the system to automatically send an order confirmation to the customer when a sales order that originates from an E-Shop is released?

For the question 1, If you select Yes: This means that when a Sales Order is created the Request Release Status will be Not Released . This will change
to Released when the operation SalesOrderActionIn -> ReleaseCustomerRequest is executed.
NOTE: The operation SalesOrderActionIn -> ReleaseCustomerRequest has to be to be executed from the Web Shop, this means customer has to release the
customer request in the web shop itself. Unless this is executed the sales order will not appear on the user interface of Business ByDesign.

If you select No: Then you wouldn't not have to call the action SalesOrderActionIn -> ReleaseCustomerRequest (In web shop) to explicitly confirm the Order.
The order created by the webshop is confirmed and can be viewed by the sales representative. The sales order can be seen on the sales order interface or sales order view.

The report is designed to show all the sales order created both in SAP ByDesign & via web shop. In case you do not want to see the webshop order
then you have to set the Parameters for the report accordingly:

  1. Go to the Sales Orders work center.
  2. Go to the Reports view -> List subview.
  3. Open the Sales Volume Report in the Web Browser.
  4. In the Selection -> Select Edit Selection tab -> Find the Origin field.
  5. In the value help of the Origin, you have three values for selection 1, 2 & 4.
    • 1 represents: Manual data entry (i.e. document created manually in the ByDesign system).
    • 2 represents B2B messages.
    • 4 represents Internet.
  6. Depending upon the selected parameter the data will be displayed in the report.

Following are the additional details about the Sales Order Interface and the Sales Volume Report:

1. Report displays all non internet sales orders and sales orders with origin internet which are ‘Released’ and ‘Not Released’. Hence the number of sales orders between Report and Sales Order UI differ. Sales order UI displays all non-internet sales orders and sales orders with origin internet which are only ‘Released’ (Mandatory filter).

2. Report by default displays Net Value however Sales order UI displays the Total Value.

3. Report displays sales orders with the following filters by default:
Status: Open, In Process and Completed, Item Cancelation status is Not Canceled, Time frame is Current Year to Date, Employee Responsible is logged in Employee. You can change the default filters as per your requirement.


You can either change your scoping options accordingly or alternatively you can set up an Internet Order Deletion Run to remove the Sales Orders for which no second call for releasing/explicitly confirming the Sales Order (ReleaseCustomerRequest) was sent.

This can be done as follows:

  1. Go to the E-Commerce work center.
  2. Select the Internet Order Deletion Runs view.
  3. Click on the New button.
  4. Maintain the respective data.  
  5. Click on the Schedule button.
  6. Maintain the recurrence schedule in which the run should be executed.
  7. Click on the Set Activate button.
  8. Save the run.

Please note that you have to maintain both Sales Organization From/To and Distribution Channel From/To. In the Created Before field you can maintain the amount of e.g. days or hours, before the time of deletion. For example if the Sales Order was create yesterday and the Created Before is maintained as 1 Day(s), the run will remove the Sales Order.

See Also

1840866 - You Are Not Able to Find your Sales Order created from your E-Shop in the ByD system


Sales Order Volume; E-Commerce; Web Shop; Internet Order Deletion Runs; Missing Sales Order in the UI; , KBA , AP-SLO , Sales Order Processing , How To


SAP Business ByDesign all versions